Bedbugs are parasitic insects that feed on blood. The name “bedbugs” is derived from the insect’s preferred habitat of houses and especially beds or other areas where people sleep. Bedbugs live in many places throughout the bedroom. Bedbugs are normally active at night, but are not exclusively nocturnal and are capable of feeding on their hosts without being noticed. Bedbugs mainly infest dwellings, via people or pets visiting infested areas, such as houses, subways, cinemas, hotels etc and carrying the bedbugs to other areas on their clothing, luggage or bodies.Bedbugs have become resistant to many forms of bedbug pest control that were effective against them before, so using our bedbug control specialists at Pest Controls Mumbai, the latest, safest and most effective bedbug treatments on the market.The bedbug treatment we use at Pest Controls Mumbai, does not instantly kill of all the bedbugs in the treated structure